目前分類:法規/指令快訊 (33)

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China government published the Management of Recycling and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products (so-called "China WEEE") in 2009. As a complementary of this regulation, the first product catalogue of China WEEE was officially published at Sep. 8th, 2010. Five types of products are included in this catalogue, which are,

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On September, 24th 2010, the European Union (EU) published in its Official Journal a European Commission decision amending the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) for applications containing Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, PBBs or PBDEs in electric and electronic equipment. The new directive 2010/571/EU adapts RoHS exemptions to scientific and technical progress as an Annex to Article 4(1) of Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS)

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    On 26th August 2010, a number of amendments of the EU Regulation entered into force. The new dangerous chemicals added to the EU Regulation on POPs have already been subject to prohibition or severe restrictions in the EU. With the new amendments certain restrictions go further than previously was the case in order to comply with the new international commitments.

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SDS is an important element of hazard communication and provides a mechanism for transmitting safety information on classified substances and mixtures, and certain non-classified substances and mixtures, including information from the relevant chemical safety reports down the supply chain to the immediate downstream users. The legal requirements governing SDS are now an integral part of the REACH Regulation, with Annex II of REACH describing the content of SDS, and this SDS update will happen gradually after 1 Dec. 2010,

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Commission Decision 2009/251/EC was published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) to ensure that products containing the DMF are not placed or made available on the market in March 2009. The validity of this Decision was restricted to a period not exceeding 1 year but allowed additional periods to be extended to March 2011, none of which exceeds 1 year.

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China published proposals for its equivalent to the EU REACH regulations in May 2009. This aims to control the manufacture, import and use of chemicals and has similarities with the EU REACH regulations. The original proposals included very few obligations that affected substances in "articles", as fabricated products are referred to by EU REACH, although it is clear that some of the most hazardous substances could eventually be phased out in China and this could affect the availability of some process materials and possibly also fabricated products.

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The European Chemicals Agency has added 14 substances of very high concern (SVHC) to the REACH candidate list of 15 substances originally published on 28 October 2008.

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Add 6 substances from 52 to 58following items,

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The Congress finds and declares that ensuring a uniform Federal scheme of regulation of restrictions in the use of certain substances in electrical products and equipment in interstate and foreign commerce is crucial to the economic, environmental, and social well-being of the people of the United States in the global marketplace.

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(a) Tri-substituted organostannic compounds such as tributyltin (TBT) compounds and triphenyltin (TPT) compounds shall not be used after 1 July 2010 in articles where the concentration in the article, or part thereof, is greater than the equivalent of 0,1 % by weight of tin.

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        2007年加州通過一項針對加州 65 法案的新增決議案,將針對腳踏車及其配件,以及相關保護設備(如防護衣,安全帽)增加下列的規定:

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