目前分類:法規/指令快訊 (33)

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The European Chemicals Agency recommends that seven chemical substances of very high concern should not be used without specific authorisation. Three of the recommended substances are classified as toxic to reproduction, one as carcinogenic and three fulfil the criteria for being persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB). They are all used in products to which consumers and workers are exposed.

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加拿大政府最近批准通過了環境部於200719發布有關禁用全氟辛烷磺酸 (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate,簡稱PFOS) 及其鹽類和其衍生化合物於消費性產品的法規提案。該法規要求自2008529起,禁止PFOS的製造、使用、銷售、提供、進口及製造含有PFOS的產品。

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OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Aug 30, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) –The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health, and Canada's Environment Minister, John Baird, today announced that the Government is moving forward with another batch of chemicals to be reviewed under its groundbreaking Chemicals Management Plan (CMP). The government today issued notices to industry and other stakeholders for information on a seventh batch of substances identified as high priorities for action under the CMP. There are 14 substances in this batch.

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執行日期一延再延的挪威消費性產品禁用特定物質 (Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substances in consumer Products,簡稱PoHS) 法令,在近日有了最新進展。挪威污染管制局(Norwegian Pollution Control Authority SFT) 相信有更好且安全的替代材料,能取代有害物質,並將含有有害物質的產品自挪威市場移除,因此提議對消費性產品中的有害物質要求更嚴格的管制。SFT20075月起開始收集針對初期提議的18項有害物質的諮詢建議,而整理超過100個諮詢意見後所作出的調整如下:

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In the Annex to Directive 2002/95/EC, the following points 30, 31 and 32 are added:

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The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that flame retardant decabromodiphenyl ether (deca-BDE) will be banned from electrical and electronic equipment from the end of June.

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200676,歐洲部長理事會在歐洲議會批准後,發佈了新電池指令全文。本指令於2006年秋季刊登於歐盟官方公報,指令編號為2006/66/EC,會員國必須於2008926前將指令轉換成國內法令。而新電池指令將取代91/157/EEC, 98/101/EC, 93/86/EEC。相較於現行指令,新電池指令涵蓋更大管制範圍、並訂定更嚴格的禁用化學物質,賦予生產者更大的回收責任。

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歷經兩個月的投票,IEC 62321 Ed.1 111/95/CDV Electrotechnical Products – Determination of levels of six regulated substances已於20071214通過表決。


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挪威政府於2008117宣佈將於200841起全面禁用阻燃劑  十溴聯苯醚 (Deca-BDE),僅部份運輸工具除外。

- 車輛;

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PFOS 全氟辛烷硫磺酸】

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