The mouse's shell is entirely made from Arboform and Biograde, and the mouse's cable doesn't contain PVC. The mouse is currently only available in the U.K. , Fujitsu operates a product recycling program, which already sorts out biodegradable material, in Europe for business customers, working with electronics refurbishers and recyclers.
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The latest edition of the Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics exposes the widening gap between companies that make good on their promises to clean up, and those that don't. While some of the top electronics manufacturers are failing to keep their environmental commitments, others are innovating and making significant gains in phasing out toxic chemicals, increasing energy efficiency, and making it easier for consumers to recycle old products.
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Newsweek released its 2009 Green Rankings, rating the 500 largest U.S. companies on the sustainability of their practices. 4 of the top 5 slots were given to technology companies, HP, DELL, INTEL and IBM.
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暨去年10月在日本橫濱公開發表邁向低碳社會的綠色選擇-「Green SELECT」之後,友達光電(AUO)宣布碳足跡減量宣言,目標在2012年產品的碳足跡將比2009年減少30%。友達期望此舉能引領業界投入產品減碳的行列,積極落實邁向低碳社會的綠色選擇,實現全方位低碳生活。
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The Acer Aspire 3811TZ and Aspire 3811TZG laptop models are made without the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and brominated flame retardants (BFRs), both of which pose considerable risks to humans and the environment.
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為了讓國內外瞭解我國推動參與聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)之訴求,並取得國際聲援,環保署已於12月15日正式啟用「推動台灣參與氣候變化綱要公約(Toward UNFCCC-TAIWAN is willing to contribute global community)」中、英文版網站,網址為。
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環保意識抬頭,越來越多的人注意到節能減碳的重要性. Toshiba在維護環境上也不遺餘力,除了在商品研發上獲得美國能源之星標章(World-Energy Star)、德國藍天使標章(Blue Angel Mark)、以及通過歐盟危害性物質限制法令規範(RoHS) 等之國際標準認可外,並研發出具環保概念的e-blue機種,藉由特殊的藍色碳粉,經過加熱後可以消除文字,使紙張可多次利用, 達到節約用紙的目的,為地球貢獻一份心力!
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Consumers and Taxpayers Bare the Burden of a Growing E-Waste Crisis
Imagine if we had to pay $100 for each bag of trash we threw out. We would want to throw out less and buy more products that are recyclable or bio-degradable. Luckily, we do not have to pay this much for garbage. However, when it comes e-waste, consumers and taxpayers are left with the bag, trying to find funds to deal with the growing e-waste crisis. What would happen if the electronics companies had to pay that cost?
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he Responsible Recycling (R2) Practices for Use in Accredited Certification Programs is a set of guidelines for accredited certification programs to assess electronics recyclers’ environmental, worker health and safety, and security practices. Since January 2006, EPA has facilitated a multi-stakeholder group to develop this document.
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