環保意識抬頭,越來越多的人注意到節能減碳的重要性. Toshiba在維護環境上也不遺餘力,除了在商品研發上獲得美國能源之星標章(World-Energy Star)、德國藍天使標章(Blue Angel Mark)、以及通過歐盟危害性物質限制法令規範(RoHS) 等之國際標準認可外,並研發出具環保概念的e-blue機種,藉由特殊的藍色碳粉,經過加熱後可以消除文字,使紙張可多次利用, 達到節約用紙的目的,為地球貢獻一份心力!
- Nov 24 Tue 2009 15:25
TOSHIBA e-blue 環保概念複合機
- Nov 24 Tue 2009 15:20
歐盟公佈REACH指令15項高度關切化學物質 廠商宜提早因應
- Nov 24 Tue 2009 15:12
PRODUCER TAKE-BACK, “EPR” Extended Producer Responsibility Creates the Incentive for Green Design
Consumers and Taxpayers Bare the Burden of a Growing E-Waste Crisis
Imagine if we had to pay $100 for each bag of trash we threw out. We would want to throw out less and buy more products that are recyclable or bio-degradable. Luckily, we do not have to pay this much for garbage. However, when it comes e-waste, consumers and taxpayers are left with the bag, trying to find funds to deal with the growing e-waste crisis. What would happen if the electronics companies had to pay that cost?
- Nov 24 Tue 2009 15:04
Responsible Recycling (R2) Practices for Use in Accredited Certification Programs
he Responsible Recycling (R2) Practices for Use in Accredited Certification Programs is a set of guidelines for accredited certification programs to assess electronics recyclers’ environmental, worker health and safety, and security practices. Since January 2006, EPA has facilitated a multi-stakeholder group to develop this document.
- Oct 05 Mon 2009 18:15
電器回收有一套! 美國制定「負責任」電器回收守則
- Oct 05 Mon 2009 18:07
防制電子廢棄物危害 美科技大廠率先做回收
- Oct 05 Mon 2009 17:58
即日起 開始回收行動電話充電器!!
- Oct 05 Mon 2009 17:53
鼓勵全民騎單車 英國投資上億打造單車城市
- Jul 06 Mon 2009 11:40
The European Chemicals Agency recommends that seven chemical substances of very high concern should not be used without specific authorisation. Three of the recommended substances are classified as toxic to reproduction, one as carcinogenic and three fulfil the criteria for being persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB). They are all used in products to which consumers and workers are exposed.
- Nov 27 Thu 2008 18:12
回收塑膠袋 省錢又環保